Category: Energy & Raw materials -> Heating devices
Country: All countries
 non-pressurized solar water heater,siphon system
1) Stable and reliable performance and well wind resistance
2) Vacuum heat-collecting tubes at high temperature
3) Dual-purpose brackets for both flat and inclined roof
4) Meeting the demand of well-to-do families
5) Economical goods
1) Thickness of bracket: 1.5mm
2) Heat-pipe vacuum tube: 58 mm x 1.8m or 47mm x 1.5m
3) Inner tank: SUS304-2B food grade stainless steel
4) Outer tank: steel (spray-paint and[...] Details...  Feature:
1) System pressurized, ideal for large hot water projects;
2) High absorption coefficient due to first grade selective coating;
3) Durable aluminium alloy frame ensuring long life-span;
4) Toughen glass cover guarantying the products safety;
5) Well-chosen insulation material minimizing the energy loss;
6) Specialized fasten system make the installation easy and reliable;
7) Production as per European standards strictly;
8) Perfect performance through year, ideal freeze resistance[...] Details...  Solar water heating systems include storage tanks and solar collectors. There are two types of solar water heating systems: active, which have circulating pumps and controls, and passive, which don't.
Most solar water heaters require a well-insulated storage tank. Solar storage tanks have an additional outlet and inlet connected to and from the collector. In two-tank systems, the solar water heater preheats water before it enters the conventional water heater. In one-tank systems, the back-up heater[...] Details...  1.Material of Inner Tank: SUS304-2B Stainless Steel With 0.4mm thickness
2.Material of Outer Tank: SUS304-2B Stainless Steel With 0.31mm thickness
3.Copper Coil: diameter : 10mm; thickness: 1mm
4.Insulation: polyurethane foam with 55mm thickness
5.Magnetic-controlled Al-N-Al splash all glass evacuated heat-collecting tubes(size: ¢58mm*1800mm)
6.Material of Support: Stainless Steel Profiled Bar with 1.2mm thickness
7.Using the electric heater system, it can be lasting used in the cloudly,[...] Details...  Our company offer solar and wind electricity devices and water heaters which can be used in any rural or industrial areas.
Water heaters devices are for 150 litters.
Heat the water up to 70c.
According to the tests results in the climatic conditions of Germany solar collector is capable of producing no less than 525 kwh of heat per year from one square meter or about 1200 kwh per year from the whole area.[...] Details...  Nagrzewnica wykorzystująca najnowocześniejsze techniki kondensacyjne. Rozwiązanie ograniczające zużycie gazu a tym samym zmniejszające koszty eksploatacyjne systemu grzewczego.
* zakres mocy od 10 do 93 kW
* sprawność do 105%
* oszczędność energii od 30% do 50% rocznie
* zasięg wyrzutu powietrza od 24-38 m
* funkcje modulowane sterowane mikroprocesorem
* ograniczenie efektu uwarstwienia powietrza
* palnik premiksowy charakteryzujący się emisją NOx[...] Details...  Kocioł w systemie zamkniętym
Maksymalna temp.wody : 110 stopni C
Sprawnosć kotła > 83%
Pojemnosć wodna : 6400 dm3
Paliwo : węgiel kamienny typu 31.2
klasa 26-050-06 sort Gk Ekoret
Przebadany w zakresie EMISJI GAZOWEJ
Oferujemy kotły w mocach
100kW, 150 kW,200kW,250kW, 300kW,350kW
470kW,600kW,900kW,1200kW, 1500kW, 1800kW[...] Details...  Piec jest najtańszym urządzeniem na olej zużyty i opałowy, ogrzewającym ciepłym powietrzem nadmuchem bezpośrednim. Piec Kroll typ W401-VL pozwala na korzystanie zarówno z oleju przepracowanego jak i opałowego oraz na swobodne przechodzenie z jednego rodzaju oleju na drugi, a także na spalanie mieszaniny tych olejów. Piec spala oleje przepracowane: silnikowe, przekładniowe, hydrauliczne, średniociężkie. Eksploatacja pieca ogranicza się w zasadzie do uzupełniania oleju, ręcznego uruchomienia,[...] Details...  Gas convectors Flamenco are ideal for heating country houses, apartments, offices etc., without the need to build the heating medium circulation system and without the need of chimney. Air intake and waste gases exhaustion are realized by means of co-axial flue through the heated object wall that could be 60 cm thick. Working convector does not require the electric energy supply.
Nominal input - Natural gas G20 4,0 kW, Propane G31 3,9 kW
Appliance category - I2H/I3P
Efficiency class - 1
Efficiency[...] Details...  Heat pump water heater is more efficient than electric resistance water heater, because the latter is used for moving heat from one place to another rather than generating the heat directly. The heat source is air outside or air in the basement where the house is located. Refrigerant fluids in the compressors transfer heat into an insulated storage tank. Heat pump water heaters are available with built-in water tanks called integral units, or add-ons to the existing hot water tanks. A heat pump water[...] Details...